A compilation of embedded posts containing useful information on plugin editing (both code and tips) I’ve made use of at one point or another.
Creating/Editing Plugins
Posted on 02/03/2020
Everything related to WordPress Web Development.
A compilation of embedded posts containing useful information on plugin editing (both code and tips) I’ve made use of at one point or another.
Posted on 02/03/2020
A post explaining the code required to create a Shortcode which aquires the value of a specific cell from a Google SpreadSheet.
Posted on 02/03/2020
A post showing my code for removing site title from embedded WordPress posts and replacing it with a list of co-author names for that embedded post.
Posted on 02/03/2020
How to enable excerpts on WordPress pages.
Posted on 02/03/2020
A post explaining Version 1.0.0 of the “David Scroller” Plugin which makes numbers scroll up to the value of a specific cell in a google sheet.
Posted on 24/02/2020
A post explaining the improved “david_scroller” which makes numbers scroll (using the “NumScroll” plugin) to the value of a specific cell in a google sheet.
Posted on 24/02/2020
Text To SpeechPosts with large amount of code will not have text-to-speach!Want to force shortcode to work in a Custom HTML Block? This code will do it!
Posted on 21/02/2020
A post explaining the “david_scroller” which makes numbers scroll (using the “NumScroll” plugin) up to the value of a specific cell in a google sheet.
Posted on 20/02/2020
A post showing the small differences between enqueueing script in a Genesis Child Theme than in the Beans Theme with an example of a successful use in code.
Posted on 12/02/2020
A post explaining the code required to implement a scrolling number on a WordPress website using an updated version of “NumScroller”.
Posted on 12/02/2020