So a while ago while doing some volunteer work I fiddled around with making the website adding support for “Co-Authors Plus” in embedded posts as outlined in Embed Customisation Supporting “Co-Authors Plus”.
I found that my solutions all looked rather messy.
I presented those initial attempts to my boss and after making a few changes based on his feedback this is what we eventually settled on.
* Removes the title (David Stockdale).
* Adds the author's names (David Stockdale).
add_action( 'embed_content', 'embed_author' );
* Adds the author div to the embed iframe (David Stockdale).
function embed_author() {
$output = '<div class="wp-embed-author">By:';
$coauthors = get_coauthors();
$loopcheck = 0;
foreach( $coauthors as $coauthor ):
* Checking if it's the first line to decide if it should be seperated with a comma.
if($loopcheck == 0) {
} else {
$output .= ',';
$output .= ' ';
$authorArchiveLink = get_author_posts_url($coauthor->ID);
$output .= "<a href=$authorArchiveLink> $coauthor->user_firstname $coauthor->user_lastname</a>";
$output .= '.';
$output .= '</div>';
echo $output;
By removing the author portraits I was able to create a cleaner looking list.
I then styled it to fit the websites theme of links in a specific colour.
* Customises the style/colours of embedded posts.
add_action( 'embed_head', 'embed_styles' );
* Embed the plugin's custom styles.
function embed_styles() {
echo <<<CSS
.wp-embed-author {
margin-top: 0.5em;
.wp-embed-author a {
color: #a6191a;
.wp-embed-author a:hover {
color: #454545;
All in all a much neater look that is far more consistant with the website as a whole.