David Stockdale's Scrapcode

Combining Numscroller and Google Sheet Data

After creating a Shortcode that aquires google sheet data and then getting a JQuery plugin (numscroll) working that makes numbers scroll up to a certain number when displayed I decided to combine the two (which turned out to be much more difficult than I expected) into what im calling the “david_scroller”.

Sheet Value Shortcode

 * Adds shortcode (David Stockdale).
add_shortcode('get_sheet_value', 'sheet_value_shortcode');
 * A shortcode for aquiring google sheet data (David Stockdale)
 * Shortcode should be something like this: [get_sheet_value location="'Summary Page'!C3"]
function sheet_value_shortcode($atts) {
    $API = 'XXXXXXX';
    $google_spreadsheet_ID = 'XXXXXXX';
    $api_key = esc_attr( $API);

    $location = $atts['location'];
    $get_cell = new WP_Http();
    $cell_url = "https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/$google_spreadsheet_ID/values/$location?&key=$api_key";	
    $cell_response = $get_cell -> get( $cell_url);
    $json_body = json_decode($cell_response['body'],true);	
    $cell_value = $json_body['values'][0][0];
    return $cell_value;


Adding Script

 * Adds script (David Stockdale).
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_my_script' );
 * Adds script for NumScroller (David Stockdale).
function add_my_script() {
		'numscroller-1.0', // name your script so that you can attach other scripts and de-register, etc.
		get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . 
		'/lib/numscroller-1.0.js', // this is the location of your script file.
		array( 'jquery' ), // this array lists the scripts upon which your script depends
		'', //Not needed with Beans.
		true //Not needed with Beans.


* jQuery scroroller Plugin 1.0
* (With a single small change by David Stockdale)
* http://www.tinywall.net/
* Developers: Arun David, Boobalan
* Copyright (c) 2014 
    $(window).on("load scroll resize", function(){
            showFunction    :   function() {
            wholeVisible    :     false,
        $('body').prepend("<div style='position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:0;height:0;' id='scrollzipPoint'></div>" );
        var i=0;
        $('.numscroller').each(function() {
    $.fn.scrollzip = function(options){
        var settings = $.extend({
            showFunction    : null,
            hideFunction    : null,
            showShift       : 0,
            wholeVisible    : false,
            hideShift       : 0,
        }, options);
        return this.each(function(i,obj){
            if ( $.isFunction( settings.showFunction ) ){
                    settings.showFunction.call( this );
            if ( $.isFunction( settings.hideFunction ) ){
                    settings.hideFunction.call( this );
            return this;
    function numberRoller(slno){
            var min=$('.roller-title-number-'+slno).attr('data-min');
            var max=$('.roller-title-number-'+slno).attr('data-max');
            var timediff=$('.roller-title-number-'+slno).attr('data-delay');
            var increment=$('.roller-title-number-'+slno).attr('data-increment');
            var numdiff=max-min;
            var timeout=(timediff*1000)/numdiff;
    function numberRoll(slno,min,max,increment,timeout){//alert(slno+"="+min+"="+max+"="+increment+"="+timeout);

David Scroller Shortcode

 * Adds shortcode (David Stockdale).
add_shortcode('david_scroller', 'david_scroller_shortcode');
 * Runs the "sheet_value_shortcode" and then uses the result
 * to create a "numscroller" which it returns as HTML (David Stockdale).
 * ----------Shortcode Use Examples---------- 
 * Location: [david_scroller_shortcode location="'Summary Page'!C3"]
 * Delay: [david_scroller_shortcode location="'Summary Page'!C3" delay=10]
 * Increment: [david_scroller_shortcode location="'Summary Page'!C3" increment=1]
 * Minimum: [david_scroller_shortcode location="'Summary Page'!C3" min=4]
 * Default: [david_scroller_shortcode location="'Summary Page'!C3" default=999]
 * All: [david_scroller_shortcode location="'Summary Page'!C3" delay=10 increment=1 min=4 default=999]
function david_scroller_shortcode($atts) {
	$sho = "[get_sheet_value location=";
	$sho .= '"';
	$sho .= $atts['location'];
	$sho .= '"';
	$sho .= "]";
	ob_start(); //Start output buffer
	echo do_shortcode($sho);
	$number = ob_get_contents(); //Grab output
	ob_end_clean(); //Discard output buffer
	if (!(isset($atts['min']->a)) && !empty($atts['min'])) {
		$min = $atts['min'];
	} else {
		$min = 1;

	if (!(isset($atts['delay']->a)) && !empty($atts['delay'])) {
		$delay = $atts['delay'];
	} else {
		$delay = 5;
	if (!(isset($atts['increment']->a)) && !empty($atts['increment'])) {
		$increment = $atts['increment'];
	} else {
		$increment = 10;
	if (!(isset($atts['default']->a)) && !empty($atts['default'])) {
		$default = $atts['default'];
	} else {
		$default = 0;
	return <<<HTML
	<span class="numscroller" data-min=$min data-max=$number data-delay=$delay data-increment=$increment>$default</span>

And here it is working:


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