David Stockdale's Scrapcode

Adding Tags To Understrap Pages

Understrap for some reason has code specifically for suppressing tags from appearing on pages despite them not having them by default.

This confused me like a man setting off to dig a river through a desert only to hit a sea wall…

Sea Wall Demolition

The first step to fixing this is to import from the Understrap parent theme “inc/template-tags.php”.

Then find this section:

// Hide category and tag text for pages.
		if ( 'post' === get_post_type() ) {
			/* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
			$categories_list = get_the_category_list( esc_html__( ', ', 'understrap' ) );
			if ( $categories_list && understrap_categorized_blog() ) {
				/* translators: %s: Categories of current post */
				printf( '<span class="cat-links">' . esc_html__( 'Posted in %s', 'understrap' ) . '</span>', $categories_list ); // WPCS: XSS OK.
			/* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
			$tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', esc_html__( ', ', 'understrap' ) );
			if ( $tags_list ) {
				/* translators: %s: Tags of current post */
				printf( '<span class="tags-links">' . esc_html__( 'Tagged %s', 'understrap' ) . '</span>', $tags_list ); // WPCS: XSS OK.

And replace it with:

// Hide category for pages.
		if ( 'post' === get_post_type() ) {
			/* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
			$categories_list = get_the_category_list( esc_html__( ', ', 'understrap' ) );
			if ( $categories_list && understrap_categorized_blog() ) {
				/* translators: %s: Categories of current post */
				printf( '<span class="cat-links">' . esc_html__( 'Posted in %s', 'understrap' ) . '</span>', $categories_list ); // WPCS: XSS OK.
		/* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
		$tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', esc_html__( ', ', 'understrap' ) );
		if ( $tags_list ) {
			/* translators: %s: Tags of current post */
			printf( '<span class="tags-links">' . esc_html__( 'Tagged %s', 'understrap' ) . '</span>', $tags_list ); // WPCS: XSS OK.

Next import from the Understrap parent theme “loop-templates/content-page.php” (if you haven’t already).

Find this section:

	<footer class="entry-footer">

		<?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'understrap' ), '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?>

	</footer><!-- .entry-footer -->

And replace it with:

	<footer class="entry-footer">
			<?php understrap_entry_footer(); ?>
	</footer><!-- .entry-footer -->

River Digging

Finally you can actually add tags to pages in “functions.php”:

 * Add Tags to Pages.
function tags_support_all() {
	register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'page');

 * Ensure all tags are included in queries.
function tags_support_query($wp_query) {
	if ($wp_query->get('tag')) $wp_query->set('post_type', 'any');

 * Tag hooks.
add_action('init', 'tags_support_all');
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'tags_support_query');

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