David Stockdale's Scrapcode

Transferring A Flywheel Site Between Organisations

I recently found myself needing to transfer several sites hosted by Flywheel from under one Organisation to another.

This seemingly simple task turned out to be quite a bit more complicated than I initially thought.

A Step By Step Guide

Since Flywheel has no guide to this process here is how to do it:

Step 1: Create your new org

First you need to create your new organisation obviously.

This is a relatively simple process.

Step 2: Setup billing for the new org

Then you need to have your billing set up for the organisation.

Step 3: Setup settings

Next you need to fill in your new organisations settings (such as contact details and Stripe integrations).

Step 4: Invite owner of new org as a collaborator

Then you need to invite the owner of your new organisation as a collaborator.

Step 5: Have org owner accept on behalf of the org

When the owner of the new organisation gets the email inviting them to collaborate it will take them to this page:

Here they must click on the dropdown box and select the organisation that they own rather than their own name.

This will make the organisation itself a collaborator on the site.

Step 6: Clone site using new orgs subscription

Now that the new organisation has access to the site you can clone and place the clone under that orgs control.

This obviously requires that the new organisation has it’s billing set up so that they can create/use a subscription plan.

Step 7: Delete original site

Now you can go ahead and delete the original site, leaving the only version under the sole control of the new organisation.

Step 8: Redirect DNS to clone site

Now your back on familiar ground you can begin redirecting your DNS to the new IP address of your site.

Step 9: Setup SSL

After you redirect your DNS remember to setup your SSL again.

Step 10: Setup Flywheel addons

Flywheel addons (such as Google Analytics integration) will not be cloned to the new site so remember to set up any you used on the old site.

Step 11: Remake Flywheel services, clients & billing/invoices

Finally if you had any services, client and billing/invoices associated with the site while it was owned by the previous organisation you will need to set them up from scratch on your new org.

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