David Stockdale's Scrapcode

Table Of Contents Without Plugins

This morning I was searching for a simple way to automatically generate a table of contents on any page/post of a WordPress website without using a plugin.

Thanks to this website I found various methods for accomplishing this.

The simplest is to place this code into the “functions.php” file of your child theme:

 * Automatically add IDs to headings such as <h2></h2>
 * (from webdeasy.de)
function auto_id_headings( $content ) {
  $content = preg_replace_callback('/(\<h[1-6](.*?))\>(.*)(<\/h[1-6]>)/i', function( $matches ) {
    if(!stripos($matches[0], 'id=')) {
      $matches[0] = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ' id="' . sanitize_title( $matches[3] ) . '">' . $matches[3] . $matches[4];
    return $matches[0];
  }, $content);
    return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'auto_id_headings');
function get_toc($content) {
  // get headlines
  $headings = get_headings($content, 1, 6);
  // parse toc
  echo "<div class='table-of-contents'>";
  echo "<span class='toc-headline'>Table Of Contents</span>";
  echo "<!-- Table of contents by webdeasy.de -->";
  parse_toc($headings, 0, 0);
  echo "</div>";
  return ob_get_clean();
function parse_toc($headings, $index, $recursive_counter) {
  // prevent errors
  if($recursive_counter > 60 || !count($headings)) return;
  // get all needed elements
  $last_element = $index > 0 ? $headings[$index - 1] : NULL;
  $current_element = $headings[$index];
  $next_element = NULL;
  if($index < count($headings) && isset($headings[$index + 1])) {
    $next_element = $headings[$index + 1];
  // end recursive calls
  if($current_element == NULL) return;
  // get all needed variables
  $tag = intval($headings[$index]["tag"]);
  $id = $headings[$index]["id"];
  $classes = isset($headings[$index]["classes"]) ? $headings[$index]["classes"] : array();
  $name = $headings[$index]["name"];
  // element not in toc
  if(isset($current_element["classes"]) && $current_element["classes"] && in_array("nitoc", $current_element["classes"])) {
    parse_toc($headings, $index + 1, $recursive_counter + 1);
  // parse toc begin or toc subpart begin
  if($last_element == NULL) echo "<ul>";
  if($last_element != NULL && $last_element["tag"] < $tag) {
    for($i = 0; $i < $tag - $last_element["tag"]; $i++) {
      echo "<ul>";
  // build li class
  $li_classes = "";
  if(isset($current_element["classes"]) && $current_element["classes"] && in_array("toc-bold", $current_element["classes"])) $li_classes = " class='bold'";
  // parse line begin
  echo "<li" . $li_classes .">";
  // only parse name, when li is not bold
  if(isset($current_element["classes"]) && $current_element["classes"] && in_array("toc-bold", $current_element["classes"])) {
    echo $name;
  } else {
    echo "<a href='#" . $id . "'>" . $name . "</a>";
  if($next_element && intval($next_element["tag"]) > $tag) {
    parse_toc($headings, $index + 1, $recursive_counter + 1);
  // parse line end
  echo "</li>";
  // parse next line
  if($next_element && intval($next_element["tag"]) == $tag) {
    parse_toc($headings, $index + 1, $recursive_counter + 1);
  // parse toc end or toc subpart end
  if ($next_element == NULL || ($next_element && $next_element["tag"] < $tag)) {
    echo "</ul>";
    if ($next_element && $tag - intval($next_element["tag"]) >= 2) {
      echo "</li>";
      for($i = 1; $i < $tag - intval($next_element["tag"]); $i++) {
        echo "</ul>";
  // parse top subpart
  if($next_element != NULL && $next_element["tag"] < $tag) {
    parse_toc($headings, $index + 1, $recursive_counter + 1);
function get_headings($content, $from_tag = 1, $to_tag = 6) {
  $headings = array();
  preg_match_all("/<h([" . $from_tag . "-" . $to_tag . "])([^<]*)>(.*)<\/h[" . $from_tag . "-" . $to_tag . "]>/", $content, $matches);
  for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
    $headings[$i]["tag"] = $matches[1][$i];
    // get id
    $att_string = $matches[2][$i];
    preg_match("/id=\"([^\"]*)\"/", $att_string , $id_matches);
    $headings[$i]["id"] = $id_matches[1];
    // get classes
    $att_string = $matches[2][$i];
    preg_match_all("/class=\"([^\"]*)\"/", $att_string , $class_matches);
    for($j = 0; $j < count($class_matches[1]); $j++) {
      $headings[$i]["classes"] = explode(" ", $class_matches[1][$j]);
    $headings[$i]["name"] = strip_tags($matches[3][$i]);
  return $headings;
// TOC (from webdeasy.de)
function toc_shortcode() {
    return get_toc(auto_id_headings(get_the_content()));
add_shortcode('TOC', 'toc_shortcode');

Then add a shortcode block to whatever page you need a table of contents on with this shortcode:


That should generate a table of contents listing every heading (level 1 to 6) on the page/post.

The listings will also be links that can be used to scroll to those headings (although this doesn’t always work well with columns I have found).

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