David Stockdale's Scrapcode

How To Disable Chrome Tab Previews

If you have been getting annoyed by the slow loading of previews whenever you hover over tabs in Chrome the solution is simple.

Here’s how to get it back to simply showing the tab name when you hover over it!

New Instructions:

Edit Edit: This option is no longer just an experimental flag! Now it’s a flag which enables a setting (making this the 3rd or 4th time they’ve changed this damn thing).

Step 1 (This may be skippable now, try Step 2 first):

First simply enter this address in your search bar:


This will bring you to this page:

Then search for “Tab Hover Card Image Setting” and set it to “Enabled”.

Step 2:

Now you just have to go to your “Settings” and search for “Hover” to find this:

Finally after turning off that setting just relaunch your browser to allow the change to go through.

And now you should be back to how it used to be:

Old Instructions:

Edit: This option has finally been re-added in the newest version of Chrome (so be sure to update first), hurray!

First simply enter this address in your search bar:


This will bring you to this page:

Then search for “Tab Hover Cards” and set it to “Disabled”.

Finally relaunch your browser to allow the change to go through.

And now you should be back to how it used to be:

14 thoughts on “How To Disable Chrome Tab Previews

  1. THANK you! Seems like you’re the only one on the whole internet (lol) who has a guide that actually works!!

    1. To be fair I’m probably just the one with enough free time to update the old guide.
      Enjoy it while it lasts, Google will probably remove the option entirely in the next round of updates. 😛

  2. I tried it on my laptop last week, and it worked. I tried again on my desktop, and the “Tab Hover Card Images” option no longer appears. That was quick, Google.

  3. Unfortunately Google seems to have finally destroyed this method. Like Sanjay, I also can’t disable them anymore. May the engineers who made this feel the pains of a thousand unnecessary ‘features’ being foisted on them.

  4. El masaje sería un masajistas profundamente relajante y sensual que se puede utilizar con fines físicos, mentales y espirituales.
    Igualmente, según sus seguidores, los beneficios de esta práctica serían numerosos. Un aspecto significativo de este tipo desería su capacidad para liberar el estrés y la tensión en el cuerpo. También indican que tendría la capacidad de reducir la ansiedad y la depresión y aliviar el dolor crónico.
    El tántrico es un masaje que dura aproximadamente una hora y el objetivo es llevar al receptor a un estado profundo de meditación y relajación. El masaje se realiza con movimientos lentos y suaves, y el receptor debe estar desnudo para tener suficiente contacto con la piel.
    Según sus seguidores, podría ser beneficioso para las personas que padecen problemas de espalda, dolor crónico, insomnio, fatiga, estrés o incluso presión arterial alta.

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